Hold your breath…here we go again…
Friends, it looks a lot like the COVID situation is going sideways again in a big way. The schools are experiencing outbreaks, hospitals are busy, and folks are getting sick again. We may have to pull back, regroup, and simplify again what we are doing as a church. The main thing is that we worship our Lord Jesus in whatever capacity that we feel we should (online or in person), that we give like we should (online or in person), and that we serve in whatever way we can. Friends, we can still Love God, Love People, and Serve the World even though the world seems to be going a little crazy right now.
My primary concern after that is that we love and respect each person regardless of the decision that they make on whether to attend in person or not, get vaccinated or not, wear a mask or not, etc. We appreciate those who come every Sunday, and we love you if you feel like you just can’t. I’d like to take us back to a Scripture that we just studied together last week…
15 All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. 16 Only let us live up to what we have already attained. (Philippians 3:15-16 NIV)
Trust the Holy Spirit to give you discernment. Pray for the church and especially for those who are sick. Pray for the time that this can be over for good and we can get back to what we thought was “normal” or whatever that may be. Let us live out our Christian faith no matter what. And remember…you’re never alone.
In Christ,
Pastor Greg