I’m so busy already-I don’t need any more things to do.
I don’t know anyone there. I’ll feel uncomfortable.
I need Sunday nights to get ready for the week.
There’s not exactly a shortage of excuses for why not to try out a small group. Let’s dismantle each of these, one at a time:
- I’m so busy already-I don’t need any more things to do.
- We hear you. And we’ve all been there. Kids, work, school, sports–it never ends. That’s why many of our groups meet on Sunday evenings, when the weekend had slowed. But fellowshipping with other believers and seekers doesn’t add to your busy schedule. It’s a way to relax and recharge. The temptation on Sunday nights is to zone out in front of a screen. But is that really the best way to relax or to recharge? Check out this article on why that might not be the best idea.
- Do you remember the last time you had a great night out with friends? How upbeat and connected you felt? As you left you might have suggested doing it again soon, or you might have thought: why don’t we do this more often? That is the same feeling you get from sharing an hour with the other members of your small group.
- I don’t know anyone there. I’ll feel uncomfortable.
- Each and every one of us has been the new guy or girl. But we promise we will welcome you. We are not a clique and we love new people. Soon enough you’ll think of us as friends. All of our groups are open to anyone.
- I need Sunday nights to get ready for the week.
- It’s true that with kids and jobs, we need to make sure we have everything ready for when Monday rolls around. It’s worth it to do that prep a little earlier to make time for meeting with a fellowship group. Many of us tend to those hard details before meeting so we won’t have to do it when we’re tired after getting home. Also, meeting with others and sharing our struggles, praying, and discussing the Bible together tends to recharge us in surprising ways, preparing us for Monday morning. It’s actually the perfect way to lay the foundation for a new week.
Now that we’ve broken down the excuses, let’s sum up the benefits of small groups.
- You’ll be refreshed. I am pretty sure we’re all just tired of all the disconnection we’ve experienced lately and we’re ready to be with people again. Social connection and relationships are one of the best ways to rest, recharge, and improve mood.
- We are a family. Sharing struggles with others helps us to feel like we are part of a family. You’ll hear us refer to each other sometimes as “church family.” We really mean it in the best of all possible ways. We share life together and help out when needed. We’re there for each other through the best and worst times of life. We laugh together, but we sometimes cry together, too.
We’ve added several new groups lately. And we are always looking to add more:
- Sundays at 6pm – LIFE – young adult group led by Katie, one of the warmest and most grounded Christian young ladies you can imagine. We have a great group of young adults just starting out with college, jobs, and in some cases, marriage.
- Sundays at 6pm – Pastor’s group – a fellowship group for adults that meets at Pastor Greg’s house. Come meet friends old and new, and get the opportunity to pet some really cute dogs. If you have questions about the Bible, this is a great place to ask our senior pastor. Childcare is provided.
- Sundays at 6pm – Locked In (our youth group) – this meets at the church and is a perfect blend of serious Bible discussion and fun activities, all under the leadership of positive role models. All of our youth leaders are elders or team leaders in other areas of the church and have been walking with Christ for many years.
- Tuesdays at 9:30am – Ladies’ Bible Study – undoubtedly our longest-running Bible study group, meeting in the lower level of the church in the library. Led by Becky, who is also one of our elders and has been serving Christ for decades.